Pick for the Otsego County Food Pantry
Tuesday, Sept 5th 11am - 7 pm - this will be the last pick of the 2023 season Time to Give Back to our community! Come out, bring your...

Time to Fill Those Freezers!
This summer has been fantastic! Beautiful temperatures, cool nights, and plenty of delicious blueberries! Now our focus needs to switch...

August means one thing - Abundant Blueberries!
It is hard to believe that July is ready to close and make way for August. We are starting our busiest month of the year and it's all...

U-PICK 2023
One of our most favorite times of the year has arrived! U-Pick opens Sunday, July 23! $3 per pound -- Cash ONLY Please read for...

Up North Blueberry Farm market season!
We are thrilled to announce that our farm is ready to attend markets, offering delicious, freshly picked blueberries straight from our...

Blueberries for your home garden!
Good morning - The farm is bustling with activity in late June. We have completed pruning the bushes, mulching, weeding (okay, that's not...

Final Schedule for 2022
We will finish our season with a lot of opportunities to pick! We have a CRAZY amount of blueberries ready for you!! We will have periods...
Sunday, August 21
Hi all! We want to update you on the end of season happenings. We have an abundance of beautiful, fresh, delicious blueberries on the...

Stock Up Now for Winter
It's that time again - your friendly reminder that blueberry season does indeed have an end! We anticipate two or three more weeks and we...