U-PICK 2023
One of our most favorite times of the year has arrived!
U-Pick opens Sunday, July 23!
$3 per pound -- Cash ONLY

Please read for everything you need to know!
We will open July 23 and continue with our normal schedule as we can. We may close to allow for ripening or weather so always check social media, our website, or our answering service before coming out. It may be a clear blue day and we are picked out!
First few picks are always a little tedious as we allow berries to ripen. Please be careful to not disturb green berries as you pick!
Bring a box or cooler to take berries home.
No pets-no smoking
Be a nice person - Pick all ripe berries on a bush before moving to the next bush!!
Check in at the blueberry shack before picking.
Have fun and enjoy our farm!
2023 U-Pick Hours
Sunday 11a - 6p
Tuesday 10a - 6p
Thursday 10a - 6p
Saturday 1p - 6p